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Our Leadership

The leadership team at First Calvary Pentecostal Church consists of our Host Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Deacon and Deaconess and the believers  that conduct services and organize church events, celebration and so much more.

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Host Pastor Neri Clarke


Pastor Neri Clarke describes himself as an unpretentious boy born in the district of Tower Hill, Saint James. Jamaica when he received Christ as his Lord and Savior on the 3rd of March, 1957 at the First Assembly of God Church. He had a natural zeal for the Word as well as missions and never missed the opportunity to attend the church Bible classes.  Within a year he himself was assisting in teaching these Sunday school classes and was promoted to another district to lead a class of his own; he was able to witness many fruits from his labor.


In 1960 Pastor Clarke immigrated to England and became a member of Redemption Church of God where he wore many hats; from Church bus driver, Sunday school teacher, youth leader, youth president, church treasury, and Deacon.  In 1973 he was ordained to become the pastor of same said church.


After immigrating to Canada in 1975, with his family following shortly after, Pastor Clarke attended various churches but was not led by the spirit of the Lord to commit in membership to any. After attending a series of home prayer meetings with like minded individuals with a zeal to fulfil God’s plan, First Calvary Pentecostal Church was born in 1977 with Pastor Clarke at the helm alongside founding member, the late Minister Kathy Remy.  His vision was and is; all who became a member of this Church would be encouraged to be all that God wanted them to be and gave every opportunity for growth in the ministry. His mission was to serve, not be served.  Looking back we can see many that have passed through First Calvary Pentecostal Church have themselves gone on to be leaders in ministry whether it be in the arts, missions or becoming pastors themselves.


As a believer in lifelong learning, Pastor Clarke received his Bachelor of Christian Ministry in 1995 from New Covenant Christian College.  He is also a certified Pastoral Counsellor from the Evangelical Order of America and a certified member of the recruit for Christ Crusade International, London, England.  In May 2006 he became ordained with the Rhema Studies in Theology Association.


Pastor Clarke’s mission was and still is that every generation must be more advanced than the previous, by preaching and teaching the Word of God with Conviction.


Pastor Clarke is married to his beautiful wife Selena; this union produced four lovely daughters: Juliet, Sonia, Melanie and Vanessa and seven grandchildren.

Assistant Pastor Roy Anderson

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

John 10:10-11

You can always get in touch with us, day or night.

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Pastor Roy Anderson, respectfully serves at First Calvary Pentecostal Church; as Associate Pastor, under the leadership of Pastor Neri Clarke. He graduated from Mount Olive Bible Institute & Seminary and received his Master of Theology in 2013 and Doctorate of Theology in 2015; and has steadfastly utilized the measurement God has blessed him with. Noteworthy, throughout the years, his servanthood has been administered amongst the congregation, musicianship within Praise and Worship, Sunday School Class setting and teaching at RSOTA Bible College.

The profound word of truth declared by Isaiah as inspired by the Lord; “Look unto me and be you saved, all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else,” was actively germinated in Roy’s heart at an early age. Today, as then, those words still resonates, remains fresh and relevant; and serves as foundation in teaching and encouragement to others; whether, within the confines of the sanctuary, within a correctional facility or witnessing to an individual in despair. 

Roy and his wife Sonia, have been married for over 25 years and are blessed with three wonderful children – Kayla, Rebekah and Elijah.

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